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REMOTE Continuing Education Dec 3

Thursday, December 3, 2020
12:45 PM - 4:00 PM (EST)

Event Details

2020 Manufactured Housing 3-Hour Continuing Education Course: Manufacturers, Retailers,

Installers & Mechanics Required Training

ATTENTION: Course offerings may be cancelled or modified based on actual registrations.


To register:

1.       Click on the registration link provided above for the appropriate training and enter

the required information.

2.       An email notification verifying the registration will be sent to you.

3.       Details on how to enter the training will be contained in the registration verification email.


To receive training credit: Applicants for certification who attend in-person trainings to acquire their training must adhere to certain recordkeeping and other participation procedures. The following are comparable webinar procedures:


1.       You must login to the webinar to receive credit. The login link will be found in the email notification that will be sent verifying your registration. (Registration link above.)

2.       You must login no later than 10 minutes after the scheduled start time of the course.

3.       You must not log out until the course ends.

4.       Attendees must participate in the webinar using a computer or tablet. Call-in participants will not receive In-Service credit as there is no way for the WebEx program to track your certification ID# through the telephone call-in and there is no way for you to participle in the polling questions or post training quiz.

5.       Your attention-to-duration ratio must be at least 75%.


Notes pertaining to the attention-to-duration ratio: Webinar attendees must be present and accounted for during a webinar to receive credit. This is no different than what is required for those attending an in-person training. If an attendee were to sign in and then shortly thereafter leave and not return, the attendee would not receive credit for attending the course. WebEx tracks whether an attendee is “present” by tracking the programs that are running in addition to the WebEx program. For example, if an attendee minimizes the webinar window or if another computer program is opened (such as spreadsheet, email, internet search engine, etc.), the WebEx program will interpret this as the attendee is not present.

To illustrate how this works, consider an example where an attendee spends 15-minutes reading social media pages during a 60-minute training session. In this example, the WebEx program would record this attendee as being absent for 25% of the course (15-minutes absent ÷ the 60-minute training session). The attendee would therefore have a 75% attention-to-duration ratio.

Attention-to-duration ratios may drop as low as 75% during a training session. If an attendee’s ratio drops below 75%, they will not receive credit for the course. Please be sure that WebEx is the only application running during the presentation.

Webinar joining tips:

1.             Prior to the training day visit to download the browser extensions necessary to join the training session. Expand the Set Up tab on the left, choose WebEx Trainings.

2.             Visit for help on joining a training session.

Or, for help using WebEx Audio here:

COST FOR THIS COURSE: $90/member and $120/non-member. Invoices will be sent closer to this course.

For More Information:

New York Housing Association, Inc. Logo 634 Watervliet Shaker Road
Latham, New York 12110
United States